Southern Sunset – Weekly Inspiring Image

southern ocean sunset

There are not many places on earth where you can see the sun rise and set on the same coastline. The southern tip of the world’s biggest continent is as beautiful as it is rugged and has sunk just as many sailors as it has charmed. South Africans are involved in Bible translation around the world, and some are blessed to work from home. Typesetter Steve Pillinger works from Johannesburg with Bible translation teams throughout Africa. Typesetting involves adding footnotes, cross-references, verse numbers, etc, and it is an important part of preparing translated Scripture to be printed. Steve says that he finds it rewarding to work with the translation teams who have long anticipated handing over the translation for this final step of laying it out on the page. Read more about typesetting.

Photo: Rodney Ballard | Words: Elyse Patten