Meet Pastor Peter – Weekly Inspiring Image
Meet Pastor Peter, his wife Ansi and their youngest son Nehri. When this photo was taken a couple years ago Peter had recently moved his family to his home village on the island of Tanna, Vanuatu. After many years of Bible training, teaching and serving as the pastor of a remote village church, Peter moved home to begin translating the New Testament into his own mother tongue – a language known as Whitesands. Over last Easter weekend Peter travelled to the capital to meet with Whitesands speakers who live in town. He hosted 9 Bible studies between Thursday night and Easter Sunday morning which were attended by at least 70 people – men, women and children; pastors from 3 different churches; and high school and uni students. Peter writes, “They were surprised to hear me read our language so well, and totally amazed that they could do a Bible study in their language. It became obvious to them that though they’d studied the Bible in English and Bislama in the past, studying in their own language was an entirely different matter. They were saying it’s like they were hearing it for the very first time!” Please pray for Pastor Peter as he continues to translate the Scriptures. Like the Pacific Bible facebook page to read Peter’s full report and get regular updates about Bible translation in the Pacific. Photo and Text: Elyse Patten This post has been re-published in Korean! Click here to see this post on the Wycliffe Korea (GBT) website. |
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