River of Life – Weekly Inspiring Image

Milky green ripples and shiny brown skin, thousands of bodies regularly bathe in the river of Bangladesh’s megacity – Dhaka. In fact this whole nation is built on the floodplains of the Ganges River, the largest river delta in the world. Rising, falling, flooding and changing course, this himalayan-fed river answers to nobody, yet rural Bangladeshi’s cultivate every available piece of land to feed their families. Many of Jesus’ stories relate to agriculture and resonate quickly with those Bangleshi’s willing to listen. Inspired and trained in the art of Bible storytelling, Christians are sharing Jesus’ stories with their neighbours and villages further along the river. Please pray for these Bible storytellers who are venturing out and for those who are hearing this story for the first time. Go to wycliffe.net for more prayer requests from Bangladesh.

Photo: Sean Stark