Meet Finau – Weekly Inspiring Image

Cheeky, intelligent and fluent in two languages, Finau entertains me during the morning tea break of a four day Bible storytelling workshop in the Kingdom of Tonga. Despite the fact the workshops are usually run for adults, thirteen year old Finau from the small island of ‘Eua, begged to be able to attend saying, “At school they tell bad stories, but I want to learn to tell good stories.” Finau memorized, crafted and confidently told the story of the prodigal son, and with two dozen other participants learnt the skills and confidence to share Bible stories with his friends. Bible storytelling is making waves all over the world, especially in places where people have always told stories to instruct, educate and entertain. To learn more about this ministry take a look at the page on orality.

Photo & Text: Elyse Patten